As the example of Greece shows, the ruling elites and financiers are more than happy to extract their pound of flesh from working people, no matter the cost.
As times get tougher it can make it harder to contribute to the Green Left project. I speak to a lot of Green Left subscribers, particularly those who are renewing, and a common thread is that people are already feeling the pinch and having to watch every dollar carefully.
Overwhelmingly, these people are extremely enthusiastic about Green Left and often apologetic for not being able to contribute more. We're extremely grateful for the support provided by our subscribers and supporters; we simply would not exist but for their generous contributions. But there is a myriad of other ways that you can help Green Left Weekly.
Green Left is distributed by volunteers, on street corners, malls and railway stations and at workplaces, rallies, picket lines and protests.
Consider helping to distribute the paper yourself. You can get in touch with your local activist centre — see contact details below — to find out when the next campaign stall or rally event is happening to see how you can get involved.
If you're in a more regional location or not near an activist centre consider getting a small bundle of five papers to sell in your local community or workplace. We already have a number of subscribers in regional New South Wales and Queensland doing this.
If you're interested in giving this a try please give us a call on the toll-free number listed below.
Of course you can always help us by liking and sharing our articles on social media. This is not a meaningless exercise for clicks — it builds the reputation of Green Left on social media and helps to get our message to a much wider audience.
Of course financial donations are always needed and welcomed. If you are in a position where you can donate, you can do this by donating to the Green Left Weekly fighting fund on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia).
Donations can also be made to Green Left Weekly, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account no. 00901992. Otherwise you can send a cheque or money order to PO Box 394, Broadway NSW 2007.
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