The climate is changing. The time for squabbling and petty excuses is over. Now is the time for governments to take urgent and serious action to reduce greenhouse pollution and create a clean-energy future.
NSW creates more greenhouse pollution than any other state, but Iemma is fiddling while the planet starts to burn. Not only is he is failing to support renewable energy, he is also planning on approving a massive expansion of the coal industry.
Greenpeace is calling on designers and satirists to help us send a clear message to Iemma that we need urgent action to prevent climate change — not just spin.
We want your designs, images, cartoons and animations that speak to the heart of Iemma's Dilemma — "How can I make it seem like I'm doing something about climate change, without actually doing anything". Be blunt and to the point. Choose freely from a wide suite of tools — ridicule, satire, parody and mockery.
Please submit your designs by Friday December 1. For more information go to < HREF="mailto:change/take-action/iemma-dilemma"><change/take-action/iemma-dilemma>.