Premiere screenings of Indonesia in Revolt — Democracy or Death!
Made in Indonesia and Australia between August 1998 and March 1999 in cooperation with activists from the Indonesian political underground.
6.30pm, Friday April 23
Stanmore Globe Cinema, Parramatta Rd, Stanmore
Introduced by the film's director, Jill Hickson, and live music from Vince Jones
$15/$10. Phone 9690 1977 to book.
7pm, Friday April 23
The Public Lecture Theatre (Old Arts), University of Melbourne
$15/$10. Phone 9329 1277.
Introduced by Max Lane from ASIET.
6:30pm, Saturday April 24
Aboriginal Advancement Council, 201 Beaufort St, Northbridge (meeting hall entrance of Lindsay St)
$8/$6 (includes dinner). Phone Roberto on 9227 7367.
All profits go to Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) for campaigns.
Produced with the assistance of Art Resistance video production house.