
October 12, 1994

Last week issue we received a very important donation. For some time now, Green Left has been running behind financially. Upgrading our equipment and expanding our network and coverage have placed financial strain on the paper. This strain was partly relieved by a donation we received from a Green Left sponsor in Canberra last week.

The donation came from a founding member of the Democratic Socialist Party, with over 20 years of active involvement in progressive politics. He has been a sponsor of Green Left Weekly since the first issue.

Recently, our donor came into some funds from an inheritance. Desirous of seeing the paper prosper, he donated over $10,000 to Green Left Weekly.

On its own, this money will not solve Green Left's publishing problems for all time. The fund appeal is still around $8000 behind target, for instance. But this single donation is a magnificent boost to the fortunes of the paper, and helps bring us further back from the brink.

Donations like the one from Canberra this week help keep Green Left afloat. Also important are smaller contributions: 100 donations of $100 are another way to get to $10,000. Not all of us have large sums that we can give to worthy causes, but most of us can afford at least a little something from time to time.

Green Left Weekly receives no corporate or government funding. We rely on our readers for our survival. Your gift to Green Left, no matter what size, will go on to ensure that the next generation have a progressive political inheritance. Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper. n

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