Inner West rally for Palestine motion

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


5:30pm Tuesday 13 August


Ashfield Town Hall
Ashfield NSW


Inner West 4 Palestine demands that the Inner West Council disclose and divest from their partnerships with companies complicit in apartheid Israel's occupation and ongoing genocide in Palestine. By maintaining these investments, Inner West Council is taking a political stance in support of war criminals and corrupt, exploitative companies that profit off of the suffering, dispossession, oppression, and genocide of Palestinians and oppressed people around the world.

14 years ago in 2010, Marrickville Council made history by becoming the first council in Australia to adopt a Boycott, Divestment Sanction (BDS) motion to help erode the social licence and political power of the state of Israel. It was shamefully overturned 4 months later after intense attack from established media and pressure from Zionist groups. But unlike in 2010, we now have a groundswell of support for Palestinians in our neighbourhoods. Now is the time for us to use that support to force our council to stop funding genocide and take ethical action on investment and procurement. Join us outside Ashfield Town Hall for the next council meeting to make sure our demands are heard!



Sarah Shaweesh, Palestinian activist from Nablus and Jerusalem

Greens councillor Dylan Griffiths, who will be moving the BDS motion at the council meeting on August 13

John Gauci, member of Teachers and School Staff for Palestine

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