Allow me to forward you a message of militant solidarity with Green Left Weekly on behalf of Herramienta, Journal of Marxist Debate and Critique.
Francisco T. Sobrino
Editorial staff
Buenos Aires
Greetings from Brazil and Latin America! For us, Green Left Weekly is a source of information on the class struggle in Oceania and the world and a support to continue the fight for the social transformation. We continue together in the resistance and the hope.
Inprecor America Latina
the web page of the Fourth International for Latin America
Sao Paulo
Green Left Weekly has been an enduring reference point for the Canadian anti-imperialist and eco-socialist left, and continues to serve as a mainspring of fresh ideas and debate. We look forward to your next 600 issues and wish you every victory in the struggles to come.
In solidarity,
Socialist Project
I hope that Green Left will continue to developp hits activity for the benefit of the Australian working people and to reinforce international solidarity against the agenda of the capitalist and imperialist forces . In that frame the role of the peace movement of Australia to support the resistance of the Iraqi people is determinent. We share with you common objectives, and I hope that our common struggles will bring more justice and peace in favour of social transformations.
Fraternally yours in the struggle,
Jean-Pierre Page
Keep Left and keep Green, and keep flying, as you did for the last 600 issues, the red flag of ecosocialism: we need these colours in our battle for a different world! Warmest internationalist greetings,
Michael Lwy
Dear Comrades,
It is heartening to hear that GLW is bringing out the
600th issue. Without any doubt GLW is the best
revolutionary journal in the entire advanced world. As
an editor of a revolutionary magazine, myself have
benefited immensely from GLW as a reference material.
Regarding layout designing I can only envy GLW! Keep
up and improve the best work.
With revolutionary greetings,
Editor, Liberation
Central Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)
Congratulations with the number 600 of your weekly of hope, and wishing you the strength to go on, until the world will have become a more rational one.
Beate Zilversmidt
Member of the Gush Shalom infoteam
The Other Israel newsletter
Comradely congratulations on the 600th issue of the GLW. It is a tremendous work for a radical left group to achieve, for as editor of Power of the Working Class, I understand the concrete process of publishing a weekly periodical. And also the GLW has a reputation for its excellent coverage of the international affairs. We hope the GLW will have a more comprehensive readership internationally, as well as in Australia, and that we will continue to be in the relationship of comradely cooperation. Once again we express our support and solidarity for the GLW.
With comradely regards
Youngsu Won
Chief editor
Power of the Working Class
In the name of the coordinating committee of the Socialist Unity League of Mexico, as well as from the editorial group of its organ Umbral, we send a warm greeting to our comrades who in Australia weekly produce and internationally distribute that precious instrument of political and ideological struggle that Green Left Weekly has been for us. We have been receiving GLW in Mexico City since 1996 and we also keep in touch with it on the web frequently and permanently. Its news, analysis and commentary, both political and cultural, enlighten us in terms of the international situation and assist us in spreading the word here in Mexico.
In particular, GLW has given us valuable information in regards to developments in Asia, a continent distant from us but with crucial significance for the class struggle worldwide, especially today with the war and conquering of Iraq by US imperialism.
From Mexico we greet you and wish you the greatest success in the effort of producing GLW. Long life to GLW and forward with its socialist and internationalist struggle. Larga vida a GLW, so that its issue 1000 may come sooner rather than later!
Fraternally, Manuel Aguilar Mora
Mexico City
New Zealand
Congratulations on your 600th issue, a huge achievement and a tribute to the dedication and commitment of all your team. Please keep going. Green Left is an essential tool for those of us trying to understand and work in solidarity with the movements for social change in our region.
Maire Leadbeater
Indonesia Human Rights Committee
New Zealand
Reading GLW online is a weekly ritual I have been religiously performing last at least four years. I send my best wishes to the paper editors for bringing out such an excellent paper that has become an important tool in our fight against mainstream media lies. Hats off.
Farooq Sulehria
Labour Party Pakistan
Solidarity greetings from Obrero, the newspaper of the Philippine working-class movement, on the 600th issue of Green Left Weekly. We use Green Left Weekly in our paper, especially for its coverage of the international news. We understand the role of the paper and look on Green Left Weekly as a model of the revolutionary paper. Obrero is running on its 18th issue right now. We too hope to sustain it until its 600th issue and beyond.
We know that Green Left Weekly will be around until the victory of the working class struggles worldwide. Keep up the good work.
Sonny Melencio
Vice-chairperson BMP
Editor Obrero
Receive our warmest greetings for the 600th issue of GLW. To the Left Bloc militants in Portugal that follow your work (reading the paper in the Lisbon local, or in the internet), GLW is a reference in the international militant press. When lies become, more than ever, the language of empire and neoliberalism against democracy, the left must develop its answer, also by creating its media. GLW is a good exemple. Congratulations from the Left Bloc (Portugal).
Jorge Costa
Permanent Comission of the Left Bloc
Puerto Rico
It is an immense pleasure to salute the 600th issue of Green Left Weekly. For years now GLW has been a source of inspiration, analysis and information for activists around the world. Its commitment to a truly global and internationalist perspective has been an example for all us. More specifically for those like us who live in an area of the world in which the media barely notes the existence of Pacific and Asian peoples, GLW has allowed us to keep abreast of the many key struggles in that area of the world. Let us hope then that GLW continues to grow and reaches an ever wider public.
Rafael Bernabe
Taller de Formacion Politica (Puerto Rico section of the Fourth International)
South Africa
Revolutionary and internationalist congratulations and respect! Six hundred
issues and still going strong â what an outstanding achievement in a country
and a world dominated by the capitalist media. GLW continues to be the
standard bearer of principled, dedicated, activist and accurate journalism
that links with the real struggles of all those who seek to radically
challenge and change the conditions of capitalist oppression at both the
local and global level. A LUTA CONTINUA!
Dale T. McKinley
Anti-Privatisation Forum
Sri Lanka
We are delighted to place on record our deep appreciation of the invaluable contribution the GLW has made thus far to strengthen the international anti imperialist, anti capitalist globalisation struggle. We send our fraternal greetings and wish GLW every success in its forward march to socialism.
With revolutionery greetings
For the New Socialist Party and New Left Front
United States
Reaching the 600th issue of Green Left Weekly is a remarkable achievement. In a world where the media is dominated by the voices of capital, working people worldwide can count on GLW to spread the new of their battles and help them find support. Saludos from the belly of the beast.
David Bacon
San Francisco
Greetings and solidarity to the Green Left Weekly for its class analysis and solidarity toward the extraparliamentary struggles and anti-imperialist resistance. We need such a weekly here in North America.
James F. Petras
New York
We are proud to be counted among Green Left Weekly financial supporters. GLW is the best left newspaper in the world. We urge others who rely on GLW to become supporters themselves.
Caroline Lund and Barry Sheppard
San Francisco
From Green Left Weekly, September 29, 2004.
Visit the Green Left Weekly home page.