Invasion Day Around Australia

Actions, protests & rallies


12:15am Friday 26 January


Australia Day around Australia

Gadigal (Sydney) - Belmore Park, 10:00 am*

Naarm (Melbourne) - Parliament, 10:00 am*

Tarndanyangga (Adelaide) - Victoria Square, 11:00 am*

Boorloo (Perth) - Forrest Place, 12:30 pm*

Magandjin (Brisbane) - Queens Gardens, 9:00 am

Ngunnawal Country (Canberra) - Garema Place, 9:30 am*

Larrakia Country (Darwin) - Civic Park, 8:30 am*

Nipaluna (Hobart) - Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, 11:15am*

Mparntwe (Alice Springs)

Gimuy (Cairns) - 10:30am 8:30am - see FB 

Dharawal Country (Bulli) - Kuradji, Sandon Point Tent Embassy - 10am - 4pm

Mulubinba (Newcastle) - Customs House, 9:30am*

Limilinaturi (Devonport) - Tulaminakali Health Service, 11:30 am*

Kaurna (Adelaide) - Victoria Square, Adelaide, 11:00am*

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