12.30pm Rally - Forrest Place Booraloo, Perth City
1.30pm March – Forrest Place to Stirling gardens
2pm Yarning Circle with grassroots Elders - Stirling Gardens
Shaded seating and refreshments for Elders at the rally.
We want Truth and real understanding about the ongoing settler colonialism in “Australia” that started with the gun and is just as powerful today with the use of the legal system and institutional structures.
Let’s empower ourselves with the truth and knowledge, and together we can demand real change.
There have been FOUR Aboriginal deaths in custody of our mob, including a child, since October.
The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody is just as relevant today as they were 33 years ago. We demand all of its recommendations are implemented, including:
- Rec 122 - a duty of care in all justice institutions.
- Rec 150 - PBS medications and full Medicare rights in all justice institutions.
- Rec 63, 69 and 287 - culturally appropriate drug rehabilitation and healing on country.
- Rec 110 and 310 - holistic support for all people released from prison and police cells.
- Rec 73, 76 and 315 - end homelessness. Elders are asking for camping grounds overseen by grassroots Elders to address the housing crisis.
- Rec 334-337 - Land Rights.
We also demand:
- Implement the Bringing Them Home Report.
- Children to be supported on their own country.
- Close down Banksia Hill and Unit 18.
- Protect sacred sites.
- Environmental Justice.
- Stop the Genocide in Palestine.
- Stop Deaths and harm in custody.
Thank you and hope to see you all on Invasion Day!
Uncle Hedley Hayward, Uncle Herbert Broph, Fabian Yarran and WA Black Greens.