Ireland: Protest against IMF/EU austerity

July 23, 2011
Video: Enough national demonstration, Dublin 16th July 2011. TradeUnionTV/YouTube.

About 1000 people took part in the Enough Campaign's protest against European Union/International Monetary Fund austerity program in Dublin on July 16.

The campaign is supported by People Before Profit Alliance parliamentarians  Richard Boyd Barrett  and  Joan Collins, the Unite Trade Union, the Waterford Trades Council, the Spectacle of Defiance, the Socialist Workers Party, the People’s Movement, Afri and several independent members of parliament.

Speakers on the day included special needs parents, bus cuts campaigners, trade unionists, community activists and a representative of the campaign for a public inquiry into the 2010 death of Rachel Peavoy, who died of hypothermia in her Dublin Council property.

Barrett, an organiser of the march, said the campaign was about mobilising mass opposition to the austerity program and bringing the spirit of Greek, Spanish and Egyptian resistance to Ireland.

“This day, it’s not just going to be about speeches — we have had too much of that stuff where it is a few speeches and everybody goes home and that’s the end of it,” he told protesters. “This has to be the beginning of building a movement.”

Barrett encouraged those in attendance to rally support for what will hopefully be a much larger demonstration on September 14, when the Irish parliament resumes after summer recess.

[Reprinted from People Before Profit.]

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