It takes the cake

October 21, 1992

It takes the cake

The Killing of Sara Lee
The Doll Cafe, 16 Ballarat St, Yarraville
Thursday to Sunday, Oct 15 to Nov 1, 7.30 p.m.
Reviewed by Ray Fulcher

Take the Doll Cafe, into it pour seven engaging performers, add a script by Rhondda Johnson, mix in some social and political comment, stir vigorously with direction by Jodi Gallagher, bake for two weeks, top the lot with sugar and spice and all things nice and you have The Killing of Sara Lee.

This is a murderous musical comedy about cakes and women. Not the sort of cakes you'll find on Acland St, not at all: these cakes have personality. A personality on display for the whole fast paced, witty and riveting performance. The cakes are brought to life by strong characterisation and fine singing all round.

There have been shows about cakes and women before, of course, but none have achieved quite this synthesis of characters. Life for cakes is not easy, nor so for women; securing and maintaining individuality is perhaps the hardest part of all — especially under pressure from the Sara Lees of this world.

All the cakes are distinctive, with their own ingredients, proud and strong as they come out of the oven. But, one by one, they are seduced by Sara into joining her in the frozen land of the Sara Lee sisterhood, where they might all taste the same but there is the promise of eternal life and the prospect of being born again ... and again and again. But it sure beats being left on the shelf — doesn't it?

Faced with a future of emulsifiers and preservatives, what will these divas of dessert do? Go quietly into that cold night? You will have to see for yourself. If you have ever been tempted by a chocolate eclair, Black Forest cake or even the humble lamington, you will immediately identify with this performance.

At $20 and $17 concession, including a delicious meal provided by the friendly staff of the Doll Cafe, this is top value. For bookings ring 687 4278.

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