'Justice for the Mexican students', Brisbane LA activists demand

December 11, 2014

On the night of September 26-27, the local police of Iguala, Guerrero, shot at several buses carrying the Ayotzinapa students, killing three of them and another three civilians. Then, according to authorities, the police “arrested” 43 students and handed them to the local gang known as United Warriors.

Since then, Mexico has been hit by sustained protests demanding the return of the students. In recent days, the remains of one of the missing students has been identified after been found in a garbage dump. Parents of the missing students accuse authorities of planting the remains.

Australian Solidarity With Latin America Brisbane released the statement below on December 6 in solidarity with those in Mexico demanding the return of the missing students.


With this open letter we want to express our horror at the knowledge of what happened to 43 students from Ayotzinapa City in Mexico.

Our organisation, ASLA Brisbane, and on behalf of the Latin American community in this city, we repudiate this criminal act that has taken place against innocents students. We also demand justice and punishment to those responsible for this massacre.

As ASLA Brisbane, we will continue raising our voices in solidarity with the families of the 43 students from the Rural Training School “Raul Isidro Burgos” in Ayotzinapa, in the state of Guerrero, Mexico.

We share the anguish and the pain and we continue demanding that these 43 brothers and sisters students are released alive and we continue to strenuously repudiate this state crime. The complicity from the authorities is eloquent and we demand that these acts are clarified and solved.

We join the international campaign that demands justice and punishment for those responsible. We will not rest until justice and truth prevails and until those corrupt and criminals that carried out this crime pay for their crimes.

We demand that the government authorities and that President Enrique Pena Nieto carry out an in depth investigation that identifies those government corrupt and criminals that intervened in this crime.

We demand that the authorities, instead of continuing creating fear and repressing the civilian population, that they take part in this investigation.

We demand a solution to this crime and also a solution to the thousands of other disappearances that the government has ignored.

We demand the trial and punishment for all those politicians that are linked with organized crime.

ASLA Brisbane denounces these acts that are carried out towards all of our sister organisations that work for human rights and we join all actions that take place in order to clarify these atrocities against innocent civilians.


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