Justice for women

February 25, 1998

Justice for women

On March 7, thousands of women in Australia, and many more around the world, will march to celebrate International Women's Day.

Many of these women will be marching for the first time. Some will have marched regularly for decades. Either way, women are not fooled by the argument that the struggle is over. The reality of women's lives disproves this in a hundred different ways.

How is it that this argument carries such weight in the mass media? The answer lies in the ownership of the media, concentrated in this country in the hands of two very wealthy businessmen with close relationships with those in government.

Is it surprising that this group of wealthy and supremely influential people are not rallying for the cause of women's rights?

If women weren't forced to do the bulk of domestic drudgery, while looking after the aged, the young and the sick, someone else would have to pay for this to be done. The funding would have to come from business or government sources — free child-care at work or in community centres, free quality health care for all and free, safe, abortion on demand. This is clearly unacceptable for the media magnates and their mates in government.

Green Left Weekly doesn't believe that there is no need to fight or that feminism has "gone too far". The pages of the paper contain information and arguments to the contrary. We stand for the right of women to determine their own lives, including the control of their fertility, their work and their education.

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