Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends gathered outside Santos’ Sydney office to protest its Narrabri Gas Project on April 6, as the company held its annual general meeting in Tarndanya/Adelaide.
Nic Clyde from Lock the Gate Alliance condemned Santos for pushing ahead with new gas projects in the face of strong and sustained community opposition and climate science.
Clyde acknowledged the work of Gomeroi Traditional Owners to protect the Pilliga forest from Santos.
Farmers across the Liverpool Plains and landholders along the Hunter Gas Project are continuing to stand up to Santos and its toxic industry. More recently, New South Wales trade unions have joined the fight and pledged their support for the Gomeroi struggle.
Knitting Nannas called on the newly elected Labor government to use the conditions of the approval that Santos has not met to save the Pilliga and the Liverpool Plains from the risks of coal seam gas mining.
Between songs protesting Santos, the Nannas encouraged workers on lunch breaks to sign the Lock the Gate petition calling on federal and state governments to stop new gas projects and support renewable energies.