Labour Hire employees win union protection
By Sue Bolton
MELBOURNE — The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union's (AMWU) Victorian branch has won a major breakthrough by getting the Labour Hire group of companies to sign an agreement which gives workers in the building and construction industry a 15% wage rise.
The July 1996 AMWU national conference voted to serve a 15% wage claim and a log of claims on companies under the terms of the National Metal and Engineering On-Site Construction Award. So far, almost 100 companies have signed the agreement, which remains in force until June 30, 1998.
Features of the agreement include: a 15% increase in the base trade rate (from $654.40 to $702.80) over a two-year period; locking in superannuation of $50 per week or part thereof; $46.50 per week into the Incolink Severance scheme; no individual contracts, sub-contractors, cash in hand or similar agreements; protection for shop stewards; paid trade union training and occupational health and safety programs; protection of all parent award conditions; all benefits that form the Victorian Building Industry Agreement; travel allowance of $17.95 per day; guaranteed apprentices rates; and paid training.
Shop stewards from the Labour Hire group have endorsed the agreement and a mass meeting of Labour Hire members is being scheduled to ratify it.