Lakemba Ramadan Night Market tour

Arts, culture & social functions
Western Sydney


6:30pm Saturday 06 April


Lakemba Railway Station
Lakemba NSW


Join Palestine Cultural Centre's Khaled Ghannam on a tour of the famous Lakemba Ramadan Night Markets.

Lakemba's Night Markets have a rich political and cultural history. They started over a decade ago in response to the John Howard government's anti-terror laws, which demonised the Arabic and Muslim population.

The Lakemba markets aimed to show the wider population the deeply humanistic and ethical, cultural, food, and religious practices of the Arabic and Muslim community. The markets garnered support for the anti-racist campaign to end the war on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Khaled Ghannam and others started the Markets. Find out more on this tour.

We will start at 6.30pm at Lakemba Markets handing out leaflets for the Palestine rally on Sunday. We will meet Khaled at 7pm and move through the markets, visit the Palestinian cafe and the site of the old Lakemba Police Station.

Tix: $10/$22/$30/$50. Money raised to the Palestine Cultural Centre and Green Left. Pay online or on the night.

Contact 0403 517 266 for more information.

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