Latin America rises

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


22 Mountain St
Ultimo NSW 2007


A roundtable discussion with Paula Sanchez (Chilean solidarity activist, nursing educator and unionist, Socialist Alliance NSW Senate candidate for the upcoming Federal elections), Dr Ian Ellis-Jones: (journalist for Green Left and author of recent pamphlet ‘Cuba: Revolution Under Attack’), Ben Radford: (Green Left journalist on Honduras and Peru current affairs).

Chair: Federico Fuentes, Green Left journalist, author of “Latin America’s Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First-Century Socialism” and member of the Socialist Alliance.

More speaker TB.

A COVID safe event. If feeling unwell, please stay away. If attending face-to-face, you must wear a mask indoors. Meeting attendance capped, so please book online or text attendance.

Tasty meal available@Resistance Centre.

Entry: Free/$5/$10/$20

All proceeds to Green Left.

Text: 0403517266 for booking.

Book online:

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