Latin American Film Festival aims to inspire

August 9, 2008

From indigenous rights to liberation theology, Brisbane's third Latin American Film Festival will showcase inspiring films.

The festival begins on August 14 with Cocalero, which charts the fascinating rise of an Aymara Indian named Evo Morales from coca leaf farmer to becoming Bolivia's first indigenous president. The film will be introduced by Aboriginal activist and socialist Sam Watson.

On August 15, Dr Tim Anderson, a long-time Cuba solidarity activist recently returned from East Timor, will introduce the Brisbane premier of his new film, The Doctors of Tomorrow.

The festival culminates on August 16 with Romero, starring Raul Julia as the archbishop who is part of a struggle against a brutal military regime. This evening is dedicated to the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), which is hoping El Salvador continues the left-ward shift of Latin America: proceeds from the night will go to the FMLN's 2009 election campaign.

After the final film, a post-festival fiesta will be held. For bookings or information phone Paul on 3831 2644 or 0410 629 088.

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