Launch: Socialist Alliance campaign for City of Sydney

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


1:00pm Saturday 10 August


Humanist House
10 Shepherd St
Chippendale NSW


For a Sydney Council that puts People Before Profit and delivers a Liveable City!

Socialist Alliance is running in local council elections for the Sydney Council in September for a Council that puts people before profit. The dynamic team of grassroots activists consists of Rachel Evans, LGBTIQA+ and housing activist as  Lord Mayor candidate, resident activist and public housing advocate and NTEU member Andrew Chuter, Waterloo housing activist Karyn Brown, long term socialist Coral Wynter, anti-war activist Adam Hadad, and early educator, Suelin McCauley.

The ticket is campaigning to win a seat in one of the richest councils in the country to forge a liveable city that helps defend and extend public housing and builds housing co-operatives, among one of it's policy platforms. 

With a tasty affordable lunch, performances and speeches.

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