Left on line

April 30, 1997

Left on line

Free Roisin McAliskey! — Roisin is imprisoned in Holloway Prison, London, without formal charges and without bail. She awaiting a decision by the German government to seek her extradition. She is pregnant and has been denied proper medical care and is being held in solitary. The Britain and Ireland Human Rights Centre has produced an excellent briefing paper on the McAliskey case that is available on the web. See http://larkspirit.com/roisin/.

Australian Aid for Ireland (Queensland) — Australian activists fighting for Ireland's freedom want you to visit their site at http://www.cynergy.com.au/usr/aaiqld/.

Native Alaskans — Today 5 Tlingit (native Alaskans from the Tongass region) communities are landless. These are Seet Kah (Petersburg), Kaachxana-aakw (Wrangell), Deishu (Haines), Teinaa Geey (Tenakee Springs), and Kichxaan (Ketchikan). This represents 22% of the Tlingit nation. Find out more about their history and their struggle at http://members.aol.com/waya94/tlingan2.htm.

New Bougainville site — See photos of Bougainville as well as links to background information and news of the Bougainville people's struggle. Visit it at http://www.isource.net/~flyinfox/.

Progressive CartoonistsDykes to Watch Out For: Alison Bechdel has been creating this strip since 1983. Since then, her biweekly comic strip has become a cultural institution for lesbians and discerning non-lesbians all over the world. Jennifer Camper's SubGURLZ is a strip about three women living in the subway tunnels. Science calls them freaks of nature, society calls them outlaws, women call them exciting. The Open Prairie: Joe Hoover is an award-winning, editorial cartoonist and illustrator published in more than 50 newspapers across the US. His cartoon focuses on political and social issues affecting the gay, lesbian, bi, and transgender community. The Northern Mystique is Richard MacPhie, a 33-year-old Ojibwa native American. The Northern Mystique is a monthly cartoon which takes place in and around an Ojibwa Indian reservation somewhere up in the north. These cartoons and many more can be viewed at http://www.visi.com/~oprairie/.

Left On-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to glw@greenleft.org.au or visit http://www.greenleft.org.au/. Don't forget to recommend the GLW home page on your travels through the Web!

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