Left On-line
The Pacific on the web
Bougainville Freedom Movement (http://www.magna.com.au/~sashab/BFM.htm) — The long struggle of the Bougainville people can also be accessed on the net. The Bougainville Freedom Movement's site provides a comprehensive news service of developments on Bougainville, contacts for the Bougainville Freedom Movement in Australia and the representatives of the Bougainville Interim Government.
Hiti Tau is a coalition of French Polynesia's NGOs. It played an important role in the struggle against French nuclear testing and the defence of the rights of Tahiti's indigenous people. Hiti Tau can be found at http://hookele.com/hititau.
Hawaiians go surfing! — It's a little known struggle, but the indigenous people of Hawaii are struggling for their rights against the world's largest super-power. The best home page for news and background of the Hawaiian rights movement, and lots of links to other Hawaiian sites, can be found at http://www.aloha.net/nation/hawaii-nation.org/. The Hawaii Resource Library (http://hawaii-shopping.com./~sammonet/hrlhome.html) contains a wealth of information about Hawaiian history and culture.
Global Climate Change Digest (http://www.globalchange.org/— The greatest environmental threat to the people of the Pacific is global warming. It is estimated that within a century several Pacific countries could be permanently flooded if something is not done to halt the warming. Global Climate Change Digest offers a comprehensive guide to published material on global climate change and ozone depletion. Over two years' worth of issues are available for browsing and key word searches. GCCD is a project of the Centre for Environmental Information and the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security.
Left On-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to glw@greenleft.org.au or visit http://www.greenleft.org.au/. Don't forget to recommend the GLW home page on your travels through the Web!