Left on-line
Left on-line
What's new on Free Speech TV â McLibel: Criticising McDonald's is not for the faint-hearted. The corporation is notorious for abusing libel law to silence activists. British activists David Morris and Helen Steel chose to fight back, in what became the longest running trial in British history. Film-maker Franny Armstrong was there from the beginning. The Hudson River PCB Story: A terrific documentary about PCB contamination in one of the most beautiful â and most populous â areas of the United States. Surviving America: FStv viewer P.M. Jones explains why he's glad that he dodged the Vietnam draft. Not the News: Does President Clinton think oral sex qualifies as adultery? Who cares? More important things are going on in the world. People's Video Network: Pam Africa of MOVE speaks on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal at the Humanist of the Year ceremony. FStv is offering free space for progressive, alternative video and audio auteurs. See .
Twisted Perth â A site devoted to the gay and lesbian community in Western Australia. Visit .
Memories Come to Us in the Rain and the Wind: Oral Histories and Photographs of Navajo Uranium Miners and their Families â The latest of Boston University's School of Public Health/Department of Environmental Health photographic exhibitions relating to occupational and environmental health <:http://www busph.bu.edu/Gallery>. Other exhibitions include: Breath Taken: The Landscape and Biography of Asbestos by Bill Ravanesi; Stolen Dreams: Portraits of Working Children by David Parker; Toxic Tour of Texas by Sharon Stewart; The Pesticide Poisoning of America by David Wells; and Coal Mining Project by Earl Dotter.
Drugs! â Surfers and researchers are welcome at the world's largest on-line library of drug policy material at .
The Political Ecology Group â Home of the "Push Back the Poison Campaign", which is working to ban the deadly pesticide and potent ozone depleting chemical methyl bromide. "Fight the Greening of Hate Campaign", another project of PEG, brings immigrant rights advocates and environmentalists together to protect the environment, health and human rights of communities. The campaign is working to stop the scapegoating of immigrants for environmental problems, a phenomenon known as the "greening of hate".
Left on-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to glw@greenleft.org.au or visit . Don't forget to recommend the GLW home page on your travels through the Web!
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