Red Pepper ( epper) — Describing itself as a forum for the libertarian left, the electronic version of the British left magazine Red Pepper sets out to challenge "the monetarist New Right and the complacent liberal centre".
However, "such alternatives can only be realised through a fundamental re-evaluation of conventional ideas and forms of organisation developed by the left. Red Pepper has no affiliations or obligations to any political party. Instead, it provides a space for dialogue between the dispersed positions of the libertarian left: socialist, green, feminist, republican, anarchist, anti-imperialist, anti-racist."
The Marx\Engels Internet Archive ( 0/psn/marx/) — The M/E Internet Archive is a continually expanding electronic archive of the works of the founders of Marxism. It contains a list various works, the capacity to search through them for key words, and to download complete text files of classic books and pamphlets. Particularly cute is a gallery of photos and pictures of the lads themselves and interesting biographic details.
The creators of this valuable site point out that there is no way to profit monetarily from this project. "It is a labor of love undertaken in the purest communitarian sense. The real 'profit' will hopefully manifest in the form of individual enlightenment through easy access to these classic works ... this is not a sectarian/One-Great-Truth effort. Help from any individual or any group is welcome. We have but one slogan: 'Piping Marx and Engels into cyberspace!'"
White House too hot for kiddie surfers! — Reacting to US attempts to "screen" dirty words from the internet, a spate of programs have been created to do the censors' work for them. According to the NetSurfer Digest, a software program dubbed SurfWatch has been developed to shield sensitive young kiddies surfing late at night while mum and dad are asleep from "rude" and "deviant" words and concepts. It seems the makers of the program know something we don't (or would like to). Apparently, there is a web site that conducts a "virtual tour" of the White House. SurfWatch detected the unseemly word "couples" and gummed up access to the site. The mind boggles at what Hillary, Al, Bill and Tipper get up to!
And how about CensorMatic, a program that internet service providers can install to intercept all your evil, filthy contributions to the writhing world of cyberporn. If it finds any offensive character sequences it whirls into action. You can see how effective it is with this sample message: "Meeting with D#ck Wiley from Sus### Technologies at the office of the British Amb###ador".
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