Let's Talk About This Bloody Federal Budget

Conferences & public forums


Another Federal Budget that ignores low-income people, and renters.
Why are JobSeeker and others told, over and over again, that they have to wait for a raise, when there are billions and billions of dollars being spent on the big end of town???
Tax cuts for the rich, subsidies for the fossil fuels industry, tax breaks for property investors, ever-expanding defence spending...need we go on?
Join people on unemployment and student payments, renters, and others, as we chat about this year's Federal Budget, and how we can take action, and fight for a Federal Budget that -- as Albo promised, in his election campaign -- truly leaves no one left behind.
You can watch us on Facebook, and post your comments and questions, or join the conversation, by coming with us on Zoom (note this starts at 7pm South Australian time)

Contact details

(08) 8451 1589

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