Support is growing daily for the national "End the lies!" rallies scheduled for the October 2-3 weekend. Following are messages of endorsement for these actions.
Jo Vallentine
It's important for people to be seen to be speaking out about the need to rid ourselves of the mean and cruel Howard government. By attending rallies across Australia in the week prior to the election, we can encourage swinging voters, cynical non-voters and doubtful donkey voters that they can make a huge difference to the future of this country.
Our democracy has been under consistent attack since 1996. We can change that, by exercising our power at the ballot box. We owe it to our kids, and theirs, to end the liar's run, to demand integrity, inclusiveness and justice from our elected representatives.
That won't happen without huge efforts from the grassroots. Be part of it. Regime change at home. Peacefully. Yes!
Greens Senator Kerry Nettle
When Sydney joined millions of people marching against a war in Iraq it was clear the government was misleading Australia into war. Now over one year on, the lies are plain for all to see.
Like those huge mobilisations, the "End the lies" rallies are an opportunity to show how together we can campaign against war and for peace with justice.
With the election around the corner, Greens will be on the streets in every town and suburb across the country arguing for change.
The Sunday before the election is a chance to say regardless of who wins government, movements for peace and justice in this country will hold the government accountable and will continue to grow.
Maureen Postma
The Victorian Council of Churches has endorsed the "End the lies" rally because of concern about the lies so easily told for political purposes, and promises so easily made to achieve political ends.
We want truth and integrity in all levels of government and from politicians of all parties. "Truth" and "trust" have become very rare commodities in today's society and we want political leaders who live and speak these standards in political debate and government processes.
Elections provide the opportunity for the people of Australia to call governments and political parties to account — and to look for policies that:
- protect the weak and powerless in our communities and work to eliminate poverty nationally and internationally,
- work for peace and justice in the international community, and provide refuge for those who flee political tyranny,
- provide justice and equity for all Australians, most particularly the Indigenous people and communities, and those living without access to affordable housing, health and education.
From Green Left Weekly, September 15, 2004.
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