Life after coal exports: workers solidarity and the transition

Conferences & public forums


7:30pm to 9:30pm Friday 24 November


Horseshoe Beach
Horseshoe Bend Rd
Newcastle NSW 2300


How can the climate movement avoid igniting old jobs versus the environment culture wars? How can we push for public investment in new industries and alternative employment?

With special guests

  • Li Mei Brusey (Friends of the Earth and Copower)
  • Tim Lang (Labor Environment Action Network)
  • Grant Howard (Illawarra coal worker)
  • Matthew Jeffrey (ASU member and Wadi Wadi man of the Yuin Nation)
  • Maddy Yerbury (Tomorrow Movement)

Chaired by Zane Alcorn, CFMEU member and co-host of Green Left radio on community radio 3CR.

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