Life of Riley: This little piggy went to market

September 6, 2000

Life of Riley

This little piggy went to market

Hi ho.

— Hi ho all.

Your attention please!

— Presenting to you. Live today. Exclusive to MelBORN.

The one.

— The only.

Globalisation Roadshow!

— Rah! Rah!

This little piggy went to market.

— Market.

And this little piggy stayed home.

— What a silly little piggy!

This little piggy had roast beef.

— Market.

And this little piggy had none.

— Boo hoo, little piggy. Boo hoo.

And this little piggy ...

— This little piggy.

Being a smart little piggy.

— Went all the way, way, way to MelBORN.

Went into debt.

— In order to set.

Themselves up for life.

— They free traded.

They sold this and they sold that.

— Oh how they free traded!

Sold the lot.

— Lived on less than $1 a day.

Oh poor little piggy.

— Went without this.

And went without that.

— Until there was nothing left.

Ha, ha. Little piggy.

— Ha, ha.

Pig. Pig. Tried to be big.

— Yes, but it is in the nature of piggies.

To grow.

— Big pig.

Little pig.

— Off to market. We go.

That's the way it is.

— And pigs might fly.

In the Globalisation Roadshow.


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