Life of Riley: Today is the day

August 28, 1996

Life of Riley

Today is the day

[Stick this on your fridge or toilet door:]

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I'm looking for the good in the federal budget — I'm looking, truly I am. I have a choice. If I get upset about the monetary measures taken, that too shall pass. Easy does it.

Just for today I will try to be happy, realising that my happiness does not depend on what others do. Happiness is the result of being at peace with myself.

Just for today I will adjust myself to what is. I will accept my circumstances as they come.

Just for today I will be agreeable; I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticise not one bit, and not find fault with anything.

Just for today I shall be unafraid. Particularly, I shall be unafraid to be happy, to enjoy what is good, beautiful and loving in life.

Just for today I am reminded that the best things in life are free: the sun-drenched sea, the morning mist, a bird call.

Just for today ...

But today — this very day — is the first bloody day of the rest of my bloody life. No matter how much I try to Accept this budget, I am Aware that it bodes ill, which sours my Attitude. Now I want some Action!

I cannot accept, you cannot accept, we cannot accept these measures today or any day.

So look me straight in the eye (that's me up there) and repeat these slogans after me: First things first. I need people. I am not alone. I have a choice. I want Action.

Let us feel good about ourselves. Let us come together and learn how to live a new "Way of Life" through our very own one-point action program which consists of: [1] STRUGGLE. That's it! That's the long and the short of it. Struggle is a key concept. Life can be pretty mean without it.

You know what to do. Tomorrow you get out there and fight. Give in to all that pent up emotion that's welling up inside you. Don't say Ommmmm, my friends, say Aaaaah! (Say it, dammit, say it!).

Seize the day — this day, this hour, this moment — lift your head from this page and shout out loud: I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more! Go on, do it.

Doesn't that feel goooood.

Maybe you want to rest now. That's OK. Take a deep breath and drop your shoulder as you let all that heavy air out slowly. You have shared in the first small step of the struggle recovery program. Remember, you are not alone. Others too have breathed their anger over this page. It is the breath of life, my friends.

I invite you to discover, as I have, that the fellowship of struggle is a warm and generous one, and that it is important in achieving and maintaining emotional and community health.

Today — or maybe tomorrow, but at least before the end of the week — is the first day of the rest of your life. Think about it. You have nothing to lose (here's an oldie but a goodie) but your chains.

Dave Riley

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