Looking out: The Brandon Astor Jones Defence Account

November 28, 1995

"A man may as well open an oyster without a knife, as a lawyer's mouth without a fee." — Barten Holyday Yes. Because I want to live, I desperately need money for expert witnesses and to retain a responsive and talented lawyer. At this writing the legal representation that the court has appointed for me amounts, in essence, to little to no representation at all. I am fighting for my very life! I need your help. Let me give you a few factual examples regarding why I need your help so badly. Imagine having to find out that you have been granted a re-sentencing trial — not from your lawyer but from another prisoner who just happened to read about it in a small local newspaper while he was away at court a full two weeks after the court ordered the new trial. Imagine having told the lawyer that my best defence witness has been diagnosed as a terminal cancer victim, and that she had been given less than six months to live, but wanted very much to testify on my behalf via video deposition. Moreover, when I gave the court appointed lawyer her letter, in which she clearly explained how soon she expected to die, he said, "We will get a deposition from her right away." Week after week, and month after month passed as I wrote him several letters reminding him in detail about the importance of that deposition. During that time my distant supporters also called his office over and over, only to be put off with transparent excuses. He never took the deposition. Needless to say my friend died. Imagine that part of the physical evidence to support my defence becomes lost due to the haphazard filing system the court-appointed lawyer, and his distant colleague/s, employ in this, a life and death case. Imagine really caring people like yourselves who live as far away as Sydney, Australia calling that lawyer — seeking information about the disposition of the case on my request — and being routinely put on hold. In fact one Australian resident recently called no less than 35 times over nine days only to be told to "call back later". At other times she too was put on hold. The international nature of those calls notwithstanding, the lawyer and his office personnel seem oblivious to the fundamental principles of courtesy, not to mention the enormous expense that repeatedly being put on hold subjects the caller to. He has even ignored all of the questions and concerns set forth in a recent faxed message that was sent to him from Australia. These are but a few examples of how the appeal for my life is being conducted. Surely you can agree that I need a lawyer who is both capable and willing to mount a much needed and more tenacious defence — indeed a lawyer who will recognise me as a client and a human being. You can help me get such a lawyer by sending whatever size donation you can to: The Brandon Astor Jones Defence Account, #06 2127 10037638, at any Commonwealth Bank in Australia. There is no question that my very life depends on the greatness of your care and generosity. Please help me.
[The writer is a prisoner on death row in the United States. He is happy to receive letters commenting on his columns. He can be written to at: Brandon Astor Jones, EF-122216, G2-51, GD&CC, PO Box 3877, Jackson, GA 30233, USA.]

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