Shared space #4
By Brandon Astor Jones
This is the fourth in a series of poems that I feel the need to share here. In essence this space has belonged to the author of each poem. It is my hope that readers have been as moved by them as I am. A universal instruction for spiritual living concludes this series.
The Way
By Timoteo Barker
From Phoenix Rising Greeting
June 7, 1999
A holding back
from grasping at
what is rightfully
and simply moving
into what is
coming toward you
opens up
a crack
just wide enough
for you
to crawl through
into your destiny.
[The writer is a prisoner on death row in the United States. He welcomes letters commenting on his columns (include your name and full return address on the envelope, or prison authorities may refuse to deliver it). He can be written to at: Brandon Astor Jones, EF-122216, G3-63, Georgia Diagnostic & Classification Prison, PO Box 3877, Jackson, GA 30233, USA.]