Looking out: Thank you

September 10, 1997

Looking out

Thank you

By Brandon Astor Jones

In loving memory of Mrs Stephanie "Jill" Wilkinson, and Mrs Cathy Smith.

As I write, I am aware that by the time this goes to press I will have gone through the trial process and will have been told whether I will live or die. While I am thoroughly terrified about the pending decision — as I wait — I am also in complete awe and gratitude. The endless kindnesses that so many Australians have shown me are well beyond measure.

I am going to list some of these wonderful people, by name. But please know that if you have helped me in even a small way and/or written a letter to the appropriate authority on my behalf and your name does not appear, the culprit will be space — not my gratitude, love or memory:

Sophie Rebecca Astor; Priscilla Alderton; Dianne Maree Barnes; Margaret Blakeney; Mary Bird; Sue Bond; Kim Bunney; Justin Buckland; Tim Buckland; T. Brinckmann; Shealagh Cox; Cathy Clegg; Lisa Armstrong-Cook; Lia Capri; Dave Corstorphan; Richard and Louise Creaser; Lauren Curry; Steve Cotterall; John Diorietes; Justine D'Angelo; Craig Dean; Rosemary (Angel#2) Evans; the Honorable Doug Everingham; Brad Evans; Betty Edwards; Sarah Frances; Yvonne Frances; Karen Fisher; Anna Glassick; Ashlea Haselgrove; Joe Heffernan; Aminah Hughes; Olivetta Harris; Tatum Hands; M.E. Hyde; Janice Haworth; Mike Hatrick; Wendy E. Joseph; David Jackson; Wayne W. Johnson; Kevin Patrick Kirton; Jennifer Leadbeater; Stephen Langford; Peter Lowrey; Roberta Lowrey; Mary Lee; Ann Leeman; Allen Myers; Jane Murry; Robyn McLeod; Meryl McLeod; Justine McCarthy; Ninna Milliken; Miranda McLeish; Allan McKay; Dr Anne Noonan; Teresa Oppy; Kahlil Padgham; Maxine J. Rohrlach; Brenda Rendell; Renee Richards; the Honourable Philip Ruddock, MP; Kristy Robertson; Father Chris Riley; Elizabeth Souter; Liz Sullivan; Jenny Taylor; Tulani Thueasi; Barbara Chapman-Woods; Fiona Rosemary West; Guy Wilson; Nigle Wilkinson. Again, thank you.

[The writer is a prisoner in the United States. He welcomes letters commenting on his columns. At present, he is being held under difficult conditions awaiting a resentencing trial and would appreciate letters. He can be written to at: Brandon Astor Jones, Aka Wilbur May, ID39359, POD-A, Cobb country Sheriff's Office, Adult Detention Facility, PO Box 100110, Marietta GA 30008, USA. If you can help by contributing to his defence fund or in other ways, please contact Australians Against Executions, PO Box 640, Milson's Point NSW 2061. Fax (02) 9427 9489. Cheques can be made payable to "Brandon Astor Jones Defence Fund".]

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