Loose cannons

June 8, 1994

The family that plays together ...

"There is a big misunderstanding between parents and kids. If parents just took the time to be more active with their kids in playing video games, they would understand it more and would be able to participate in ... assisting kids in balancing their lives and getting involved in other activities." — Kevin Bermeister, managing director of video game manufacturer Sega Ozisoft, on how to deal with the problem of kids who become compulsive video game players.


"Let me tell you, environmental groups will be aghast at the enormous knowledge Ian McLachlan has on environmental matters." — Liberal leader Alexander Downer on the Coalition's new environmental spokesperson.

Immaculate conception

"My view is that the idea in industrial relations of how much you can screw the other party is totally misconceived." — Michael Easson, recently retired secretary of the NSW Labour Council, announcing his latest career moves, which include advising a law firm with major business clients, writing a column for the Financial Review and becoming an adjunct professor of the Australian Graduate School of Management.

Just like in Dili

"We take this opportunity to reaffirm our respect for the sovereignty of other countries and the right of their people to engage in public debate." — A spokesperson for the Indonesian government, after it had bludgeoned the Philippines government into deporting visitors planning to attend a conference on human rights in East Timor.


"With many loopholes being closed off, there are going to be large movements in base salaries as well as significant performance incentives, which are also in cash." — Daryl Stillwell, a "human resource management consultant", on the salary being paid to Ross Wilson, the new chief executive of the Victorian government's Tabcorp Holdings. Wilson will be paid a base salary of $675,000 and bonuses of up to $2 million a year. Fringe benefits include a $1.6 million interest free loan, his children's private school fees and a Mercedes Benz.

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