Loose cannons

June 1, 1994


"The Australian public are fed up with the machinations of politicians, they are fed up with politicians behaving the way they expect politicians to behave." — Alexander Wooldridge, deposed deputy leader of the Liberal Party.

Now you know

"The reality of Hewson's position [as Liberal leader] was that it was only viable for as long as there was no alternative candidate who could secure 50 per cent of the party room vote, plus one." — Part of "the full story" of the Liberal leadership change by Geoff Kitney in the May 28 Sydney Morning Herald.

Family battler

"Well, I certainly, like all Australians, as a father of four children and a husband, I certainly understand the difficulties that we have in bringing up children." — Alexander Downer, replying to a journalist's question whether he had ever had to battle for anything.


John Hewson claimed that the Melbourne Club organised his replacement as Liberal leader by Alexander Downer. The club has long been known for being on target. According to an article in the May 27 Sydney Morning Herald, the first three duels in 1830s Melbourne were fought between members of the club. In the first, the challenger put a bullet hole through the hat of his second. The challenger in the second duel shot his own toe, and the same challenger in the third duel just missed his own foot.

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