Loose cannons

August 7, 1991

Tell 'em, Dan!

"We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world." — US Vice President Dan Quayle.

If they have jobs

"People don't object to paying a tax when they buy things. But they resent the high level of tax they have taken out when they work overtime." — John Howard defending Liberal plans for a consumption tax.

Ploughing? What's that?

"One of the curious things about life is that even in the most underprivileged societies you will find things like horses. Now, horses in many respects are useless. But in many places they are almost the last thing they will get rid of because of their pride and the sentiment attached to that animal." — Princess Anne on poverty in the Third World.

Lost opportunity

"We have wasted this recession. We could have implemented a lot of micro-economic reform." — CSR managing director Ian Burgess on making Australian industry more competitive.

53 would be enough

"I don't want to see us turn into a 54-hour-a-week slave pit, but I want to see our grandchildren have the same quality of life we have." — Former Nissan Australia managing director Ivan Deveson.

User doesn't pay

"For Margaret Thatcher, life on the backbenches had become like a journey to an alien land. Never was that more evident than ... when she ventured into the Commons tea room which she ignored as Prime Minister. She queued with fellow MPs to get a cup of tea, but was halted in her tracks when she was asked to pay for it. In the best tradition of those whose every need is attended to, Mrs Thatcher had no money on her. She was rescued by Ronnie Campbell, the Labour MP for Blyth Valley. The former miner stumped up 15p on behalf of the woman who controlled Britain for 11 years." — Independent on Sunday, (London).

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