Loose cannons

April 23, 1997

Why would you need more than one?

"There is a limit to how many blank cheques you can ask for." — James Sensenbrenner, chair of the US House of Representatives' science committee, worried about cost overruns on the US$30 billion international space station project.

Make the kids pay for it

"Pasminco has been as big a loser as anybody for what they have lost off the trucks." — A NSW Department of Mineral Resources inspector, commenting on complaints by Broken Hill residents that lead dust blown off Pasminco ore wagons is harming their children's health.


"New Labour is now the party of business." — British Labour Party leader Tony Blair.

Market rules OK

"Banks that offer pensioners nothing or 0.25% on the widow's mite, then lend it out to small business on overdraft at 15-17%, are involved in usury." — Minister for social security Senator Jocelyn Newman, announcing that the government is going to do absolutely nothing about such banks.

Thrills with profits

"It will become scary to steal and to take bribes." — Russian President Boris Yeltsin, promising to crack down on official corruption.

Only responsible killing

"They are not the kind of people who are sending arms to irresponsible governments." — Canon John Halliburton of St Paul's Cathedral, London, defending the church's acceptance of sponsorship of a concert from US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

No opinion

"There is a statistical correlation. Beyond that, the question of direct causation and detailed causation is really not for me to opine on." — Nick Greiner, former Liberal premier of NSW and now chairperson of tobacco company W.D. and H.O. Wills, when asked if he acknowledges that smoking is harmful to health.

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