@columhead = No prizes
"The Liberal Party may have won the election, but we clearly won the campaign." — WA ALP leader Geoff Gallop on the outcome of the state election.
@columhead = Bribe them honest
"[Money] is certainly a factor. If you are going to pay people inadequate salaries, then corruption becomes something that is more tempting to engage in." — Peter Remfrey, industrial secretary of the NSW Police Association, arguing for a wage rise for coppers.
@columhead = Electoral strategy
"If Labour voters die at a younger age than Conservative voters on average then they will be alive to vote at fewer elections per lifetime. The recent Conservative strategy of encouraging increasing socio-economic inequality ... will in turn consolidate the Conservative advantage by hastening ... the death of those who would oppose them at the polls." — University of Bristol researchers, writing in the British Medical Journal on a study showing that Labour voters, on average, die younger than Tory voters.
@columhead = Bash a commie for Christ
"You would expect such a law in a communist country, but not in Australia in 1997." — Margaret Ratcliffe, secretary of the Religious Freedom Institute, an organisation of Christian private schools fighting a NSW law which prohibits corporal punishment of students.
@columhead = Name the disease
"I'd expect you'd only see this particular sort of behaviour where there's advertising and consumer products and people have the expectation that spending money can give you happiness." — Psychiatrist Associate Professor Kay Wilhelm, commenting on moves to classify compulsive shopping as a psychiatric disorder.