"At $60,000, his work represents fantastic value for money for NSW taxpayers." — A NSW Treasury spokesperson on the payment to Bob Hogg for conducting an inquiry that recommended electricity privatisation, a proposal overwhelmigly rejected by the ALP state conference.
Fantastic — 2
"A breakthrough and great result." — NSW treasurer Michael Egan on a conference of power union delegates which unanimously rejected his plans to privatise the electricity industry.
"I believe that no rational investor will lose his confidence in the future economy of China, including the future economy of Hong Kong, only because of temporary fluctuations on the stock market." — Chinese President Jiang Zemin, trying to calm the Hong Kong stock market, 33% down from its high point on August 22.
And then what?
"Eyeballing directors in their own boardrooms is the way to find out if they are fair dinkum [about environmental protection], says [Australian Conservation Foundation executive director Jim] Downey." — Sydney Morning Herald, October 29.
Another century or two
"We are over the jitters for now, but the market's problems will remain until the Asian problems are solved." — Olev Rahn of Bankers Trust, quoted in the Financial Review, October 30.
What conflict?
"[Liberal] Senator Minchin said [Democrats] Senator Lees's calls for pastoral landholders to stay out of the political debate [on the government's anti-native title bill] was extraordinary because most MPs and others engaged in politics owned property." — Sydney Morning Herald, November 1.