Loose cannons

November 3, 1998


"I candidly express my surprise and dismay at the information showing that kids are being exploited on a widespread basis." — NSW attorney-general Jeff Shaw, before admitting that the state government will not legislate against exploitation of child labour before next March, if then.

But I'll take the job

"I don't want to be seen as a stooge of the Liberals." — David Vos, chair of the government's new committee to help it design the GST. In 1993, Vos was on the committee that developed the Liberals' Fightback! policy.

Listening to some

"We hear you." — Slogan on the cover of the Commonwealth Bank's annual report to shareholders.

Little knowledge

"I know of no other country in the world which does as much as we do to meet the spirit of [world heritage] responsibilities as well as the letter of the convention." — Environment minister Robert Hill, announcing that the government will allow a uranium mine surrounded by Kakadu National Park even if United Nations experts declare Kakadu "World Heritage area in danger".


"You might think he is a muddle-headed wombat." — Barrister for former National Party federal MP Michael Cobb, at the latter's trial in Canberra. The jury decided this wombat was guilty of fraud and other charges related to claims for expenses as an MP.

Growth industry

"We've got to be ready for the consequences ... [by] having enough jails in the right places." — NSW Liberal leader Peter Collins, promising a law and order rampage if he wins the state election in March.

How would we know?

"So far we have no confirmation of this leaked information." — An Indonesian Foreign Affairs spokesperson on documents showing that there are many more Indonesian troops in East Timor than claimed by the government.

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