In need
"[Kosova]'s going to be like Bosnia or Cambodia. There will be almost as many foreigners trying to help as those who need it. And they will need restaurants and bars and brothels, and this place will never be the same." — A UN official, quoted by Steven Erlanger in the New York Times, June 17.
"It's not a crime to support Australia." — A spokesperson for foreign minister Alexander Downer, who flew to London to watch the World Cup cricket final after a very brief visit to Belgrade failed to win release of imprisoned aid workers Steve Pratt and Peter Wallace.
"The initial [Telstra] float helped investors, but taxpayers lost out because it was sold so cheap." — Bankers Trust chief economist Chris Caton.
Standard practice
"It's treated as standard business practice ... Political donations are specifically targeted for their political benefit." — Chris Brown, chief executive of the Tourism Taskforce, explaining to the Sydney Morning Herald why businesses contribute to political campaigns.
Neither can we
"I can't think of a week where the government has done more solid policy and more gains for the long-term benefit of the country." — Prime Menzies John Howard, on last week.
Warm and comfortable
"I'm feeling very warm about the Democrats at the moment." — John Howard.
Barking up the wrong tree
"The farm dog goes around the farm and lifts his leg and marks out his territory. I think that's where the National Party has failed. We haven't marked out our territory." — National MP Ian Causley, who apparently believes his party hasn't pissed on enough voters.