Loose cannons

April 14, 1999

Over time

"Nothing has flowed through ... but over time we would expect reductions." — Wendy Craik, executive director of the National Farmers Federation, on whether the docks dispute reduced shipping costs for farmers.

Transparent foot in mouth

"We would not like to be lying ... We think there has to be an open, transparent dialogue, and we very much regret getting off on the wrong foot." — A spokesperson for Pangea Resources, which hopes to dump radioactive waste in Australia. The "wrong foot" was Pangea chief Jim Voss denying meeting with government ministers when he had in fact met the minister for forests and conservation, Wilson Tuckey.

Very fine

"There's a fine line between being governor of Texas and making a fool of yourself." — George W. Bush, governor of Texas.

Look out

"I've got five sons and four daughters, so I was always on the lookout to make a buck." — Eddie Obeid, NSW Labor MLC and the new state minister for minerals and fisheries.

Can't say: we're only up to seven

"It'd be great if every business you started made a profit, but you're lucky if one in 10 comes good." — Eddie Obeid.


"When I think of Indonesia — a country on the equator with 180 million people, a median age of 18, and with a Moslem ban on alcohol — I feel I know what heaven looks like." — Coca-Cola president Donald Reough, quoted by David Suzuki in The Sacred Balance.

Price of popularity

"Queen Elizabeth is not as popular as the other royals, mainly because she is still alive." — Bill Todd, from a company that specialises in royal "collectables", especially those associated with Queen Victoria.

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