Or sleeping
"If I let my members make speeches as often as they would like to, the upper house would still be sitting." — Dorothy Isaksen, government whip in the NSW Legislative Council, when asked why some Labor backbenchers don't participate more in debates.
Easing up
"I eased up last year to allow other people to take more active roles." — NSW National Party MLC Rob Rowland Smith, retiring after 25 years in parliament. Last year he asked no questions and made one speech on legislation.
"I'm having fun." — AMP managing director George Trumbull, announcing the company's $1.027 billion profit for the year.
"This is not a great success story." — FBI director Louis Freeh, contradicting John Howard's claim that "zero tolerance" policies have reduced heroin and cocaine addiction in the US.
Spiritual note — 1
"I personally think capital gains tax is a disincentive to the entrepreneurial spirit." — Industrial relations minister Peter Reith.
Spiritual note — 2
"I no longer believe that there is a moral majority. I do not believe that a majority of Americans actually shares our values." — Paul Weyrich, who invented the name Moral Majority for an organisation of the US religious right, disillusioned because of public support for Bill Clinton.
"When it comes to economic development, when it comes to jobs, there are a lot of similarities between Joh [Bjelke-Petersen] and I. Joh was a super salesman for Queensland." — Queensland ALP Premier Peter Beattie on an ultra-reactionary National Party predecessor.
"He's the best leader the Labor Party could have." — Joh Bjelke-Petersen on Peter Beattie.