Loose cannons

December 6, 2000

Loose cannons

Chockers already

“There is no room in the ALP for people who break the law.” — ALP federal leader Kim Beazley.

Their health is another matter

“We commit to respecting the religious, cultural and ethical concerns of people.” — Hendrik Verfaille, president and chief executive officer of the giant Monsanto chemicals and genetic engineering corporation, manufacturer of Agent Orange and other toxic herbicides.

And pigs will fly!

“[We] will bring the knowledge and advantages of all forms of agriculture to resource-poor farmers in the developing world to help improve food security and protect the environment.” — Verfaille again.

Only some?

“[Australian Institute of Company Directors CEO Ian] Dunlop admits that people in the corporate sector are being paid an awful lot, some for jobs that 'fall short of rocket science'.” — Financial Review, December 2-3.

Rocket science

“The market pressures the board [and] the board pressures the management.” — Dunlop, attempting to explain why average salaries for CEO's in the US are 475 times the average wage.

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