Loose cannons

October 25, 2000

Nothing wrong

"The meals weren't used in the end, but there was certainly nothing wrong with the food." — A spokesperson for Qantas after its workers forced the airline to stop serving meals after their "best by" date.

Unlike governments?

"There are going to be stereotypes always. Most people still believe casinos are run by gangsters." — CEO of the Miss America Pageant and former casino boss, Robert Renneisen, on the pageant's "bimbo" reputation, the Australian, October 16.


"We will select quality movies which teach personnel about patriotism." — A Thai army colonel on a plan to show officers US war movies.

Competition not welcome

"While the British government berates offshore tax havens for lax controls, the world's leading money-laundering centres remain, inevitably, London and New York." — Financial Times (London), October 20.


"Despite the attempts of professional agitators from terrorist groups such as the IRA, Hezbollah, S11 and others, most Australians remain reluctant to adopt the violent tactics used by such groups." — Piers Akerman, Daily Telegraph, October 17.

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