Loose cannons

July 19, 2000

Good governance

"We are not going to repair or rebuild everyone's home ... Even if we were able to, it would not be a good idea; it would not be good governance." — Stephen Lewarne, head of reconstruction in the United Nations administration in Kosova.

Stop press

"The federal forces have not yet established full and continuous control over the entire territory of Chechnya." — Russian defence minister Igor Sergeyev.


"What we are really trying to achieve is open dialogue with policy makers on issues that affect our business." — The corporate communications manager at Philip Morris, explaining why companies give presents to Australian politicians.

Everyone does it

"Almost all the judges carry guns. I just should have just kept mine under the robe." — Texas Judge H. Lon Harper, reprimanded for repairing two revolvers while presiding over jury selection for a murder trial.

Issue-free taxation

"It isn't that we want to tax poor people. It's just that once you exempt [food], you have more issues." — Rob Bastian, chief executive of the Council of Small Business Organisations, arguing for extending the GST to food.

On which side?

"Whether John is directly or indirectly involved, he's got a massive contribution to make to the campaign." — An ALP official on John Della Bosca.

No jumping

"Let's not jump to any conclusions." — Philadelphia police commissioner John Timoney, after police were videotaped beating a black criminal suspect as he lay on the ground.

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