Loose cannons

March 1, 2000


He "adds considerable depth and experience to the company's aspirations." — Lindsay Fox on the appointment of former ACTU head Bill Kelty to the board of Linfox.

Brothers in arms

"If Blair is not extreme, then nor is Haider ... [I] am arguably less tough on asylum seekers and immigrants than Labour and Blair." — Austrian far-right Freedom Party leader Joerg Haider.

My brilliant career

"I was distraught over what happened ... I had tried to build a house of peace and saw it go up in flames and myself being blamed for it." — General Wiranto on his East Timor policy.

He's quick

"If a customer sees that a price is going to go up 10% in a few months, they'll rush to buy it now." — Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairperson Allan Fels explaining to consumers why Big W's dual price tags are irresponsible.

It's the facial hair

"I can't see any difference between [opposition trade spokesperson] Peter Cook and [trade minister Mark] Vaile." — AMWU national secretary and Labor "left" member Doug Cameron on the ALP's failure to wind back its free-trade agenda.

It takes time

"I'm determined to make a graft-free government before I step down." — Philippines President Joseph Estrada, perhaps justifying efforts to remove a constitutional prohibition on a second presidential term?

We hope so

"[It is] a mix of extremist egalitarian doctrines such as feminism, anti-racism and multiculturalism. It is deeply threatening to social cohesion." — Dennis O'Keeffe in a recent report on political correctness for Britain's Institute of Economic Affairs.

It's called North America

"We need to articulate more clearly where we are." — US Senator Craig Thomas, calling for a more threatening stance towards China in relation to Taiwan.

Non-core obligations

"You can ignore your obligations under an international treaty if you choose to do so." — Prime Menzies John Howard, speaking to well-paid shock jock John Laws.

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