Convincing refutation
"... there's an assumption that we're an American company that exports things everywhere else to make a lot of money... Sure, we're everywhere, but so too is ... NBC and CNN." — McDonald's CEO Jack Greenberg.
Balanced diet
"... we're selling meat and potatoes and bread and milk and Coca Cola... Every nutritionist I've talked to says a balanced diet is the key to health. You can get a balanced diet at McDonald's." — Greenberg again.
Market resistance
"... politicians are confronting the fact that they can no longer sell their political message on the basis of 'This will give you a better life'." — ABC Radio National researcher Stan Correy, commenting on a Background Briefing survey that found most Australians were deeply cynical about politicians, suspicious of government rhetoric and didn't like what it was doing.
Bankers' liberation movement
"I don't think anyone would be unduly burdened if the value diluters get left behind." — Dianne Davis, principal of Davis & Associates marketing consultants to financial services companies, justifying the banks' attempts to rid themselves of what they are now calling "bozos" —"below-zero [revenue-earning] customers".