Loose Cannons

June 26, 2002

Axis of misogyny

"We have realised that without countries like Sudan, abortion would have been recognised as a universal human right in a UN document" — Austin Ruse, president of the US Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, quoted in the June 20 Sydney Morning Herald. Ruse was commenting on the emerging alliance between reactionary Islamic governments, US Christian organisations and the Bush administration at UN conferences on the rights of women.

Role model

"He's so green. He spoke about nature and biodiversity, genetic agriculture and nuclear power, and he was so clear, so intelligent. I was so impressed I want to propose him for honorary membership in the German Green party" — Claudia Roth, co-chair of the German Greens, discussing Charlie Windsor (aka the Prince of Wales). From the June 19 British Guardian.


"I want to have power. I like being in power" — Roth again. The German Greens is a coalition partner in the German government and support Washington's "war on terrorism".


"To find out the title of this show, call ..." — Advertisement in the June 2 edition of the Birmingham News, after an editorial decision declining to run a previously submitted paid advertisement for the play The Vagina Monologues. The newspaper has had no qualms previously about advertising performances of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

Oh, that's alright then

"My men are not crooks ... they are just drunks and liars" — Front-page headline on the June 18 Sydney Daily Telegraph. The headline refers to statements by the former head of a NSW police hold-up squad, Dennis (Doodles) O'Toole to the Police Integrity Commission. Doodles claimed that secretly recorded admissions by his officers admitting to bashing suspects, planting evidence and writing false statements were simply "drunken banter".

From Green Left Weekly, June 26, 2002.
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