Sensitive I
"Australia is not a neo-colonial power and we are sensitive to the regional concerns about our role." Foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer, June 26, justifying the deployment of 1500 Australian troops to the Solomon Islands and the appointment of Australian officials to run that country's police, judicial system and treasury department.
Sensitive II
"Sovereignty in our view is not absolute." Downer, June 26.
Can't imagine why
"You do come up against this sense in the Pacific that Australia is this sort of superpower of the region and can be a little aggressive." Downer, June 26.
Could lead to Australian takeover
"A number of our friends in the Pacific are experiencing economic collapse, corruption and lawlessness to a degree which threatens their very sovereignty." Prime Menzies John Howard, July 1.
Unlike the white people who ran One Tel, HIH...
"The fundamentals of Aboriginal culture creates significant difficulties for Aboriginal people to administer public monies in the fair and prudential fashion required by Australian taxpayers." Regional services, local government and territories minister Wilson Tuckey, July 3.
Unlike white politicians
"You have a system whereby if there is dominant members in the community, they will certainly benefit their own group, I mean that's the reality of it." Coalition MP Warren Entsch, July 4, defending Tuckey.
From Green Left Weekly, July 9, 2003.
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