Loose cannons

November 17, 1993

Americans are honorary Iraqis

"Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilise their country." — Emperor George Bush II, May 5.

On Bushworld

"You've got to understand that military options are always my last option, not the first option." — Emperor Bush, May 5.

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth

"I resigned because the Americans have indiscriminately attacked Iraqi cities with helicopters and aircraft, because they have behaved inhumanly during house searches, because they have stolen and taken away the dignity of human beings. It became clear to me that the Americans were not interested in resolving problems peacefully. Instead, they were truly obsessed with using military force to deal with all kinds of difficulties." — Abd al Bassit Turki, explaining to the German Der Spiegel news magazine, why he resigned as Iraqi's puppet human rights minister on May 4.

Killing them with kindness

"You've performed any number of acts of kindness, generosity and compassion to the Iraqi people that you've met." — US war and torture secretary Donald Rumsfeld, addressing US troops in Baghdad, May 14.

And he has have the photos to prove it!

"You're showing the Iraqi people and, indeed, the people of the world who will look, the character of the country that we're from and the character of the men and women in the armed services." — Rumsfeld again.

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From Green Left Weekly, May 26, 2004.
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