Loose cannons

October 23, 1991

And they ran such a great one

"The whole of government worldwide is built on a basis of concealment. You couldn't run government without secrecy." — David Parker, former deputy premier, explaining to the WA Inc inquiry why the Labor government lied about an investment intended to benefit Laurie Connell's Rothwells bank.


"You'd have thought I was a criminal." — Former Queensland premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen, protesting about his treatment since he was charged with perjury as a result of evidence he gave to the Fitzgerald inquiry into corruption.

All sorted out

"Exxon has paid US$1.125 million to wash its hands of the world's largest oil spill — which fouled Prince William Sound in early 1989 ... Exxon's bill from this disaster, ignoring the private legal battles it faces with local residents in the next few years, is $3.5 million — but that's only a fifth of what secret US government reports warn will be the final bill for cleaning up the sound." — Sydney Sunday Telegraph, October 20.

Compassion rampant

The NSW prison system has partially relaxed its ban on prisoners' property, imposed by former prisons minister Michael Yabsley. Inmates are now allowed to retain their wedding rings and a pair of thongs.

No worries

Greenpeace's Karla Bell announced last week that ozone levels over Antarctica were at their lowest levels ever. Measurements taken by the US space agency confirmed research by British and US scientists that the ozone layer is depleting twice as fast as previously predicted.

Rape and plunder

"Can someone tell me who the enemy is now? Why should we be linking bows with the US nuclear-propelled fleet?" — Former New Zealand prime minister David Lange on proposals to lift the ban on nuclear ship visits in the wake of the US decision to scrap a large part of its nuclear arsenal.

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