Expert opinion
@column = "Insurgents in Iraq are right to try to force US troops out of the country, a former British army commander has said. Gen Sir Michael Rose also told the BBC's Newsnight programme that the US and the UK must 'admit defeat' and stop fighting 'a hopeless war' in Iraq<193> Sir Michael has written a book drawing similarities between the tactics of insurgents and George Washington's men in America's War of Independence." <197> BBC News online, May 3.
@subh = Would never happen at Guantanamo Bay
@column = "BAGHDAD <197> US officers here are increasingly troubled by the high number of innocent Iraqis being detained and held <197> in some cases for many months <197> by the Iraqi army. Several officers who serve as advisers to the Iraqis said at least half the people detained by the Iraqi army in Baghdad are innocent." <197> US Army Times, May 4.
@subh = Extremely difficult
@column = "This has been an extremely difficult process since the board decided to recommend APA's bid to shareholders." <197> Qantas directors' board chairperson Margaret Jackson, May 9, commenting on the failure of Macquarie Bank-led APA consortium's $11.1 billion takeover bid which, had it proceeded, would have given Qantas senior management $300 million in "performance" bonuses. Jackson, a non-executive director, is paid an annual fee of $400,000 for chairing some 20 Qantas board meetings a year.